The Invisible Threat: Why Eliminating Phthalates and Parabens is Crucial for Your Health

Phthalates and Parabens

One of my top priorities is helping my patients reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins that can negatively impact their health. Two classes of chemicals that have come under increasing scrutiny in recent years are phthalates and parabens – common ingredients found in a wide range of personal care products, cosmetics, and plastics. […]

Transform Your Menstrual Cycle with a Customized Nutrition Plan

Transform Your Menstrual Cycle

Did you know that Nutrition is KEY when it comes to your Menstrual Cycle? A nutritious diet plan customized for the menstrual cycle can provide various advantages for overall physical and emotional health. Dealing with menstruation can be challenging due to symptoms like fatigue, bloating, breast tenderness, abdominal cramps, mood swings, and skin breakouts. Although […]

Types of Birth Contol

Here are a few birth control options: Hormonal Birth Control: Combo pill which contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone.  These pills can be monophasic (same amount of hormones throughout the cycle), biphasic (hormones change in the 2nd half of the cycle) or triphasic (hormones change 3 times during the cycle) Mini pill which contains synthetic progesterone called […]