Is your period healthy?
FLOW: how heavy is it? Are you changing every 1-2 hours or every 3-4 hours? Are you leaking? Also, what’s the color/consistency of your flow?
LENGTH: how long are you bleeding? Are you bleeding for 3-7 days or 7-9 days?
REGULAR: do you know when your period comes? Is it around the same time every month? Is it 28 days? 32 days?
CRAMPS: do you have cramps? If so, are they tolerable or do you have to take fistfuls of Ibuprofen.
CLOTS: do you have quarter sized clots?
PMS SYMPTOMS: do you have acne, hair growth, fatigue, diarrhea, breast tenderness, bloating, mood changes….the list goes on.
Check out my Buh Bye PMS Protocol here.
Which one of these is off for you?